...as submitted by “Alinta,” our founder.
Around March
2006, I left a guild led by a former co-worker of mine. There were
many reasons for leaving, but, the main drive was for me to try out
being a guild master myself. I always wanted to be in a guild of
close friends, but with no pressure. I decided to start a guild that
would make this vision primary.
Many of my friends left with me, due to real life circumstances
surrounding the co-worker’s departure from my company and signed the
charter right away. I (Alinta) stood in Stormwind and gave 50 silver
each to sign the charter, just so I could get my guild off the
ground. I was only level 36. I was mocked and ridiculed in Stormwind
while I gave money away.
So, the Order of the Swift Sword was born. Here are a few points on
the name and where it came from. First, the word “Swift” has been a
major part of my real life identity for many years. When I first
picked up a computer, I used my screaming fast 300 baud modem to log
on to the local bulletin board systems to network with friends. When
asked for a nick name or alias, I took a quick look around the room
and spotted the word “Swift” on a floppy disk. That was what I put
down, and that became my computer identity. Even when I started my
own BBS, the name carried on. “Swift’s Subdivision” was born.
Obviously I no longer run a BBS, since Al Gore invented the
internet. But, the name still lives on in my company, SwiftNet
Integration. SwiftNet is a network integration and computer repair
company born in July 1999. My partner (Tellessa) is a key player in
this company.
Now, the word sword. As a Christian, I’m very much aware and fond of
the word sword. We tend to use it when referring to our bibles.
(Please, hand me my sword.) While many find this goofy, or could
care less, it is still a major part of my life. Not to mention, it
fits World of Warcraft so well.
Once the guild was started, I went to work on changing the rank
names. I’m a navy buff, and a trekkie, so, I used navel ranks. I
think the original ranks went like this: Ensign, Lieutenant,
Commander, Captain, Admiral. Once these changes were complete, I
became Admiral Alinta.
After driving the guild a while, and being quite content with a few
dozen members, I noticed Tellessa taking a lot of initiative to
recruit and organize activities. I was also noticing that my time in
game was being more focused on time with my wife (Haamdered), as
opposed to time with the guild, so, while flying just outside of
Ironforge on a gryphon, I handed it over to Tellessa. Admiral
Tellessa, now the second guild master of the Order, grew the guild
significantly. In March of 2007 we increased the number of ranks,
and made all ranks containing the word “admiral” indicate an officer
of the guild. Admiral Tellessa then became Fleet Admiral Tellessa.
During this time, Endarus, a member of the Order, and me worked hard
to create the website for swiftsword.net that we continue to enjoy
today. All of the hard work credit goes to Endarus.
In October 2007, Tellessa grew weary of being the Fleet Admiral due
mostly to real life circumstances, and graciously asked for a new
leader. After much consideration on our part, Endarus became the
Order’s third Guild Master, and second Fleet Admiral, and with her
reign came many more positive changes to the guild.
In February 2008, Endarus made this announcement:
My time has come to pass as leader
and have graciously given it back to its founder, Alinta. With the
many things I have going on in my life right now; I need some time
to get my priorities straight. I have a big move coming up in less
than 2 weeks, finding a new job, and settling down in a new city to
look forward to. As much as I love the guild, being leader has many
stresses and throw backs than one may think. It is time for me to
step aside and let someone else lead you guys to the potential the
Order has to offer. I have also wanted what is best for the guild
and here I [am] stepping to the side to show it.
So with that, I again became Guild Master, and held the rank of
Fleet Admiral for the first time, making me the third Fleet Admiral.
Once this happened, many members, even officers, left shortly after,
leaving the Order out of order, to put it lightly. So on February 8,
2008, I declared a state of marshal law, giving me full authority
over the guild I had created. I used this period to restructure the
guild slightly, investigate and purge false representation, and
select a new leader for the Order.
One of the restructure changes to the Order during the marshal law
time frame was the creation of a new rank, “Commodore.” On August
24, 2008, this rank was placed between Captain and Rear Admiral for
the purpose of allowing officer’s alternate characters to have guild
administration functions while logged in.
Finally, due to extended absences in the game, I allowed the new
officers to elect a new Fleet Admiral. On October 10, 2008, Lunaurei
was elected the fourth Fleet Admiral of the Order of the Swift Sword
by officer vote. On October 15, 2008, via our forums, Lunaurei was
sworn in as Fleet Admiral by answering “Agreed” to my post which
follows, thus ending my marshal law rule and Fleet Admiral tour of
I'll go ahead and give you the
fundamental rules here for all to witness here-in. Once you post
"agreed" I'll log in at some point and hand 'er over.
1. If at anytime I, as founder, ask for control of the guild back,
it must be forfeited immediately. This rule is necessary in order to
protect all of the guild's assets. Let it be made well known that
all previous Guild Masters have agreed to this rule, and I have
NEVER exercised it.
2. You will uphold all rules, both ranking, and otherwise that are
currently posted and understood. Any changes to these rules will go
through the proper procedures.
3. If you ever step down as Fleet Admiral, or you leave the guild,
you must re-instate the founder as Fleet Admiral, or the "toon" of
his choosing.
Once I hand it over, I will become "Admiral" which is reserved for
former Guild Masters. I will attempt to stay active in the guild;
however, the rank of Admiral is more of an honorary position. I have
full faith and trust in Lunaurei's command, and will gladly stand
behind any decisions made through our process. In other words, if
I'm not around, it's okay. Smile
I want to thank you Lunaurei for taking up this responsibility, and
I know you have great things in store and will do better than I
could ever hope to. With that said, do you, Lunaurei, agree to the
aforementioned regulations?
Lunaurei held the Fleet Admiral position until September 2010.
During this period, the guild once again experienced vast growth and
many positive advancements. In fact, we "maxed out" and had to
kick inactive members in order to avoid a glitch in guild control.
To much dismay, on September 24, 2010 at the Blue Recluse in
Stormwind, Fleet Admiral Lunaurei announced an extended, and
possible indefinite leave from World of Warcraft, and resigned as Guild Master.
Adhering to the rules
agreed to, Lunaurei again reinstated me as Fleet Admiral and stepped
down to the honorary former Guild Master rank of Admiral. I
then promptly held a ceremony in which I used my "swift sword" and dubbed Admiral Tellessa, Fleet Admiral of the Order of the Swift Sword
for a second time. Fleet Admiral Tellessa agreed to the exact
terms and conditions as all previous Guild Master.
In January of 2012,
Tellessa chose to swap rank with an alternate toon, Walksoftly,
making Tellessa, Commodore Tellessa. Fleet Admiral Walksoftly now continues a tour of duty as our current
Guild Master.
So, if you’re not a member of the Order, then it’s your turn to
become part of our history! Join us! Whether you like us, love us,
hate us, or just use us, one thing will be for certain, your time in
the Order will be an adventure!
Admiral Alinta,
Order of the Swift Sword